How to Install TC2000 v7
Please note that Gold or Platinum service is required to access TC20000 v7, in addition Gold users must be subscribed to Dow Jones delayed data and Platinum Users must be subscribed to real-time US stock data and real-time Dow Jones data. You can manage your subscriptions at:
1. Click this link or paste it in your browsers address bar

2. Run the file once it is downloaded, if prompted allow it to make changes to your computer.
3. Follow the prompts in the InstallShield Wizard.

Read and agree to the License Agreement.

Choose the file path to install to, we recommend the default file path of C:\Worden\TeleChart

Click Install to begin the Installation process.

Wait for the install to complete.

Click Finish to close the install shield wizard and launch TC2000 v7.

4. Enter your UserName and Password then click Sign-in.

5. TC2000 will finalize the installation, this could take 5 minutes to an hour (Depending on the speed of your computer).

6. When TC2000 v7 launches click OK to close the Chart Display Options window.

7. Click Close on the Backup\Restore window.

8. Click Update to download the latest Price Data.