How to Use the News Feed (LiveBriefs by MT NewsWires)
LiveBriefs by MT Newswires is a fully integrated streaming news service that allows you to see the most recent stories on any stock as well as a running historical record of the news. Here are the steps to using the news feed. (Note: an additional monthly subscription is required. Details are at the bottom of the article.)
1. Add the News Window
To add the News window to any Layout, click on the Notes & News Menu button.

Select View MT Newswires

This opens the MT Newswires window with news stories opened to the current active symbol arranged from most recent back.

To limit the stories you are reading, click the Notes & News menu and choose View News By Category and select only the feed with news in the category that interests you.

Select desired News Feed to see only the news stories in that filtered feed.

The feeds listed below All Livebriefs separate news into specific subject themes. Each can be used as an individual news feed to narrow the news to a more specific topic. Those feeds above the line in the menu are part of the Investor Service level; those below the line are in the Pro Service level (price details below).
2. View News Feed Headlines
Choose a symbol from the WatchList or jump to a different symbol and the News Window populates with the stories related to the active symbol with the most recent stories at the top.

Make sure the Symbol Link option is selected.

Choose All Symbols to view all the news stories on all symbols as they stream in. Choose Positions to see only the news on stocks in your Positions WatchList.
3. View the News Feed Stories
On any news headline, click the "More" button to open a window with the full news story. (Tip: Use the Font Size slider to make the text larger or smaller.)

Alternately, click the News Source name (MT News or MT Pro) and choose Read Story.

To see a WatchList of the stocks mentioned in a news story, click the link at the beginning of the news headline (X syms).

4. View Streaming News as a WatchList
Choose All Symbols to create a list at the left of the window streams the symbols with the most recent news stories.

5. Customize the News Feed
With a news subscription, feeds can be customized by clicking the Feeds button in the window. Simply check or un-check which feeds to choose what shows in the window.

6. Select How To Display Your News Feed
Select the Symbol drop down in the News or Notes. A menu opens allowing you to choose the way you want the underlying ticker symbol to be fed to the Option Chain.

Choose the item that you want.
- Selected symbol link--connect the News/Notes feed to the current symbol link color group (which will be the only symbol changes that switch the News/Notes window).
- Any symbol change--change the symbol in any WatchList to choose the symbol driving the News/Notes window.
- My Positions--show the News/Notes feed for each symbol in the active trading Positions list.
- All Symbols--show the News/Notes feed for all symbols.
- Symbol from--connect News/Notes feed to a symbol link color group which will be the only symbol changes that switch the symbol for the News/Notes window.
- Lock to symbol--News/Notes window will not change ticker symbol and only the News/Notes for the locked symbol will be displayed. (A locked icon appears in the News/Notes window if this is selected.)

You can click the lock icon to lock/unlock the News/Notes Window to the current symbol. Locking keeps the News/Notes feed tied to the current symbol. Unlocking will return the News/Notes Window to its previous symbol change setting.

7. Copy or Save News Stories
Click the news source name (MT News or MT Pro) and choose how you would like to save or use the news story.
- Read story. Opens the story so you can read the article.
- Copy Post to My Notes. Adds the post to your My Notes stream as a personal Note.
- Copy {Sym} to...allows you to put the symbol in any of your personal WatchLists
- Copy {Sym} to My Favorites. Puts a star on the chart and adds it to the My Favorites WatchList.
- Flag VSCO. Puts a flag on the chart and adds it to the Flagged Items WatchList.

8. Subscribe to the News Feed (LiveBriefs by MT NewsWires)
To subscribe to the LiveBriefs by MT Newswires service (at either the basic or professional level) click the My Services button at the top right of TC2000 and select the LiveBriefs option under Monthly Data Feeds.