Worden T2 Market Indicators
With all of the powerful filtering and organizational capabilities of TC2000, some of its unique offerings have a tendency to go unnoticed. Our list of 23 Market Indicators is just such an offering. We hope you don't make the mistake of overlooking these useful tools. Most investors are familiar with the advance / decline line, but, with TC2000, that's just the beginning. TC2000 goes beyond counting the number of stocks moving higher and lower in the market. TC2000 asks "How High?" and "How Low?". TC2000 shows you the percentage of stocks above and below their moving averages. TC2000 even counts stocks attaining new highs versus new lows. TC2000 does it all, so all you do is browse the charts with a few clicks per day.
TC2000 gives you a full toolbox of powerful big-picture indicators designed to help you perfect your market timing. Just as standard technical indicators give you insight into overbought and oversold conditions in individual stocks, this collection of indicators helps you spot trends in the market as a whole, so you can ride the big rallies, and cash in before major market corrections.
Worden’s Market Indicators, known as T2s because each symbol begins with T2, are calculated using the daily market activity of the NYSE. They are internal market statistics which are calculated by counting stocks that meet certain criteria and then publishing the results as a percentage value between 1 and 100. T2107 "Percentage of stocks above their 200-day moving average" for example, counts the number of stocks currently trading above their 200-day price moving average and then plots this as a percentage. So if the daily value of T2107 is 14, you know that 14% of the stocks on the NYSE traded above their 200-day PMA.
Most other indicators and indexes are based on price and will usually give a good reading of the overall trend of the market. T2s, however, are count-based indicators that give you a sort of "behind the scenes" look at the market. By counting every issue on the NYSE, T2s show the true volatility of each issue. They show you things like the fact that advancing issues are outpacing declining issues; when the number of stocks trading above their 200-day price moving average is declining; when the number of stocks reaching new highs each market day is increasing, etc. You can then compare these with a major market index to see how the activity of every stock on the NYSE compares to the trend of the overall market.
When plotting a comparison of a T2 and a market index, you’ll want to set your scaling to Arithmetic. TC2000 will plot the T2 and the market index on independent scales. If you use logarithmic scaling, the T2 and the index are plotted on a common-linked log scale and you won’t be able to compare the true volatility of each.

When plotting a comparison of a T2 and a market index, you’ll want to set your scaling to Arithmetic. TC2000 will plot the T2 and the market index on independent scales. If you use logarithmic scaling, the T2 and the index are plotted on a common-linked log scale and you won’t be able to compare the true volatility of each.