Company Fundamental Data Definitions

TC2000 carries nearly 70 pieces of fundamental data for US stocks. Below are definitions of each item. (These items are checked frequently by TC2000 but most only update quarterly.) To see them displayed in a layout format, click here.

Name Description
5 Day Price Trend vs. Market Step 1 : Do the following summations
Sum for every common stock that has been trading for at least 200 days :
Market value for each of the last 30 trade days, using latest shares for market value
Volume traded for each of the last 30 trade days
Step 2 : Compute 5-Day Price Trend to Market, for each stock as :
Set Base Value = Total market value 29 days ago, computed in step 1 above.
Set up a table of 5 values for X and Y :
Sum for 5 occurrences :
Sum (Y)
Sum (X * Y)
If Stock close 5 days ago = zero, or Sum (Y) = zero, or Sum (X*Y) = zero,
Set 5-Day Trend to Market = NC
Compute 5-Day Trend to Market = ( Sum (X * Y) * 50 ) / Sum (Y)


30 Day Price Trend vs. Market

Step 1 : Do the following summations
Sum for every common stock that has been trading for at least 200 days :
Market value for each of the last 30 trade days, using latest shares for market value
Volume traded for each of the last 30 trade days
Step 2 : Compute 30-Day Price Trend to Market, for each stock as :
Set Base Value = Total market value 29 days ago, computed in step 1 above.
Set up a table of 30 values for X and Y :
Sum for 30 occurrences :
Sum (Y)
Sum (X * Y)
If Stock close 29 days ago = zero, or Sum (Y) = zero, or Sum (X*Y) = zero,
Set 30-Day Trend to Market = NC
Compute 30-Day Trend to Market = ( Sum (X * Y) * 600 ) / ( Sum (Y) * 899 )
Accumulated Depreciation and Depletion  The accumulated amount of wear and tear or obsolescence charged against the fixed assets of a company. Accumulated Depletion is a reserve set up to compensate for the reduction in value of a natural resource as it is exhausted or depleted.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
Asset Turnover Equals revenue divided by the average of total assets from the most recent two balance sheets. It measures the ratio at which each dollar of assets will generate a dollar of revenues.
Beta The coefficient which measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a 36/60-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500: Ri = a + (Rm) + e where Ri is the monthly total returns on the stock, a is the stock's Alpha, Rm is the monthly total returns on the market (S&P 500), and e is a random error term. A minimum of 12 monthly returns are required for this calculation. A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down move in the stock. A beta coefficient of 2 suggests that the stock will tend to fluctuate twice as much as the market. That is, if the market moves up 5%, then the stock should move up 10%. A beta coefficient of 0.5 indicates that the stock will move one-half as much as the market, either up or down. A negative beta indicates the stock tends to move in the opposite direction from the general market. That is, the stock price declines when the overall market is rising, or rises when the overall market is declining. Negative beta stocks are rare.
Capitalization  This is the latest closing price of a share times the number of shares outstanding as indicated in the latest quarterly report. Sometimes called Market Valuation.

Note: this value is reported in $Millions, so if you're scanning for stocks with a market cap of $1Billion or higher, you need to scan for values greater than 1000.
Common Stock Equity

The amount of shareholders equity attributable to common stock. This figure taken from the annual or quarterly reports. Common stock equity generally consists of the following items:

  1. Common stock (all issues) at par value.
  2. Capital surplus or additional paid-in capital.
  3. Retained earnings or earned surplus (net of foreign exchange gains/losses).
  4. Common Stock Equity = Common stock (all issues) at par + Capital surplus (additional paid-in capital) + Retained earnings (or earned surplus).

Note: Data stored in $10,000s so for scanning purposes 100,000 = 1 Billion

Cost of Sales Includes all expenses directly associated with the production of goods or services the company sells (such as material and overhead) excluding depreciation, depletion, amortization, and SG&A. Typical Accounts: Cost of goods sold; Materials and production expenses; Gas purchased; Fuel and power purchased; Exploration and well drilling expense; Mining expenses; Oil and gas property abandonments, includes dry holes if not specified; Other operating expenses for utilities and railroad maintenance.
Current Book Value Per Share  Equals latest common equity (book value) divided by the most recent common shares outstanding.
Debt to Equity Ratio From the most recent fiscal quarter, it is the Long Term Debt divided by Common Stock Equity.
Note: Data stored in hundreds so for scanning purposes 1 = 100.
Diluted EPS from Total Operations Fully diluted earnings per share from Total Operations, as taken from the latest 3-month ending period.
Dividend Growth Rate 5-Yr This is the compound (shows accrued interest/dividend re-invested) annual dividend 5 year growth rate. The units are in percentages.
Dividend Yield (Trailing) A financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price. In the absence of any capital gains, the dividend yield is the return on investment for a stock. Dividend yield is calculated as follows: Annual Dividends Per Share/Price Per Share.
Dividend Yield (Forward) An estimation of a year's dividend expressed as a percentage of current stock price. The year's projected dividend is measured by taking a stock's most recent actual dividend payment and annualizing it. Forward dividend yield is calculated by dividing a year's worth of future dividend payments by a stock's current share price.
Dividend Cash Amount A cash dividend is money paid to stockholders, normally out of the corporation's current earnings or accumulated profits. Not all companies pay a dividend. Usually, the board of directors determines if a dividend is desirable for their particular company based upon various financial and economic factors. Dividends are commonly paid in the form of cash distributions to the shareholders on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. All dividends are taxable as income to the recipients. Dividends are usually paid on a per share basis.
Dividend Declaration Date The declaration date is the date on which the next dividend payment is announced by the directors of a company.
Dividend Record Date The record date is the cut-off date established by a company in order to determine which shareholders are eligible to receive a dividend or distribution. The determination of a record date is required to ascertain who the company's shareholders are as of that date, since the shareholders of an actively traded stock are continually changing. The shareholders of record as of the record date will be entitled to receive the dividend or distribution declared by the company. Also known as the date of record.
Dividend Ex Date When a company decides to declare a dividend, its board of directors establishes a record date. This is the date when a person must be on the company’s record as a shareholder to receive the dividend payment. Once the record date is set, the ex-dividend date is set according to the rules of the stock exchange on which the stock is traded. The ex-dividend date is typically set for two business days prior to the record date.
Dividend Pay Date A payment date is the date on which a declared stock dividend is scheduled to be paid.
Earnings 1-Yr This is the sum of the trailing 4 quarters of net income (profit) as taken from the quarterly report. This is not the earnings per share. This value will also provide some insight into company size. It reads in millions of dollars.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 500 = 500 Million
Earnings as Percent of Sales 1-Yr This is an indication of profit margin. Weak profit margins are often a sign of hidden vulnerability in a stock that appears to have high earnings. Be careful of companies that pay high dividends while having low profit margins. Within industries, the companies with the highest profit margins are usually the leaders. It is a sign of good management. This reads in percentage.
Earnings Growth Rate 5 Yr The compound annual earnings per share 5-year growth rate. In looking for quality companies, well established companies of good size, this criterion is indispensable. The units are in percentages.
Enterprise Value  Enterprise Value, or EV for short, is a measure of a company's total value, often used as a more comprehensive alternative to equity market capitalization. The market capitalization of a company is simply its share price multiplied by the number of shares a company has outstanding. Enterprise value is calculated as the market capitalization plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares, minus total cash and cash equivalents. Often times, the minority interest and preferred equity is effectively zero, although this need not be the case. EV = market value of common stock + market value of preferred equity + market value of debt + minority interest - cash and investments.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 10,000 = 10 Billion.
EPS Latest Qtr Fully diluted earnings per share from Total Operations, as taken from the latest 3-month ending period.
EPS Percent Change 2nd Quarter Back The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before.
EPS Percent Change 3rd Quarter Back The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before.
EPS Percent Change 4th Quarter Back The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before.
EPS Percent Change Latest Qtr The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before.
EPS Percent Change Latest Yr The percentage change in earnings for the latest 4 quarters compared to the preceding 4 quarters.
Gross Fixed Assets The original purchase price of the fixed assets of a company.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
Gross Margin As reported by the company on the face of the Income Statement. If not reported, this field is not calculated and is left as zero.
Gross Operating Profit The operating revenue minus cost of goods sold. Gross profit identifies the amount available to cover other operating expenses before depreciation.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
High Price Divided by Earnings Ratio High price divided by earnings from total operations (not including extraordinary items) as taken from the quarterly report.
Latest Float Latest shares outstanding minus shares held by insiders.

Note: Data stored in 1000's so for scanning purposes 100000 = 100M
Latest Net Profit Margin The after-tax Net Income from Total Operations of the latest 4 quarters, divided by the latest 4 quarters Operating Revenues.
Latest Total Net Income Net income is calculated by taking revenues and adjusting for the cost of doing business, depreciation, interest, taxes and other expenses.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
Long Term Debt Divided by Total Capital  Equals long-term debt divided by total capital (long-term debt + common stock equity + preferred equity as taken from the Balance Sheet).
Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio  The Debt to Equity Ratio is a measure of a company's total long-term liabilities compared to its shareholder equity.
Low Price Divided by Earnings Ratio Low price divided by earnings from total operations (not including extraordinary items) as taken from the quarterly report.
Net Fixed Assets Those assets of a company that are of a relatively permanent nature and are not intended for resale such as property, plant and equipment. The figure is stated as cost minus accumulated depreciation & amortization.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
Net Profit Margin (Post Tax) The fiscal year post-tax earnings from Continuing Operations (not including discontinued or extraordinary items) divided by the fiscal year Revenues, expressed as a percentage.
Operating Cash Flow 1-Yr The cash generated from the operations of a company, generally defined as revenues less all operating expenses, but calculated through a series of adjustments to net income.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 2000 = 2 Billion
Operating Income Before Depreciations (EBITDA) The operating revenue less Adjustments to Revenue, Cost of Sales, SG&A expense, Advertising and Research & Development.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
P/E Ratio (Trailing) The Price-Earnings Ratio is the market value per share divided by the earnings per share (EPS).
P/E Ratio (Forward)  A measure of the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) using forecasted earnings for the P/E calculation. While the earnings used are just an estimate and are not as reliable as current earnings data, there is still benefit in estimated P/E analysis. The forecasted earnings used in the formula can either be for the next 12 months or for the next full-year fiscal period.
P/E Ratio vs 5 Yr Avg P/E This is the current P/E ratio divided by the average of the last five year's P/E ratio. Expressed as a percentage: a value of 80, for instance, would mean that the current P/E is 80% of the five year average.
PEG Ratio PEG is a widely employed indicator of a stock's possible true value. Similar to PE ratios, a lower PEG means that the stock is undervalued more. It is favoured by many over the price/earnings ratio because it also accounts for growth. The formula is P/E Ratio (Forward) / Annual EPS Growth.
Percent Change Revenue 1-Yr  The difference between the revenue from the latest 12 months and the previous 12 months expressed as a percentage.
Percent Change Revenue Last Qtr  The difference between the latest quarter revenue and the revenue for the same quarter one year ago, expressed as a percentage.
Percent Shares Held by Insiders The percentage of the latest shares outstanding held by insiders of the company.
Percent Shares Held by Institutions The total number of shares held by institutions divided by the total number of shares outstanding.
Pre Tax Income (EBT) This equals EBIT minus interest expense, but before subtracting income taxes and adjusting for minority interest.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
Price Growth Rate 1-Yr This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last year, derived using the least squares method.
Price Growth Rate 2-Yr This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last 2 years, derived using the least squares method.
Price Growth Rate 3-Yr This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last 3 years, derived using the least squares method.
Price Growth Rate 5-Yr This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last 5 years, derived using the least squares method.
Price to Sales Ratio Determined by dividing current stock price by revenue per share (adjusted for stock splits). Revenue per share for the P/S ratio is determined by dividing revenue for past 12 months by number of shares outstanding.
Price Volatility The stock's calendar weekly percentage magnitude change over the last 13 calendar weeks is averaged. The stock's final volatility is found by multiplying its average by 10.
Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500) Calculates the relative change in price of a stock over the past year compared to the change in the SP-500 over the same time. Values above 100 mean the stock is outperforming the SP-500. Equities with less than 1 year of history will not return a value. The calculation is : (Latest Close Price of Stock / Latest Close Price of SP-500) / (Close Price of Stock 1 year ago / Close Price of SP-500 1 year ago) * 100.
Return on Assets (ROA) Equals earnings from total operations (not including extraordinary items) divided by total assets, expressed as a percentage.
Return on Equity (ROE) Equals earnings from total operations (not including extraordinary items) divided by common stock equity, expressed as a percentage.
Revenue Growth Rate Last 4 Qtrs The difference between the latest fiscal year revenue and the previous fiscal year revenue, expressed as a percentage.
Sales 1-Yr  This is the sum of revenues for the last 4 quarterly reports.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 1000 = 1 Billion.
Sales Growth Rate 5-Yr This is the compound annual revenue per share growth over the last 5 years.
Shares Outstanding The latest total shares outstanding reported by the company; most common source of this information is from the cover of the 10K, 10Q, or 20F filing. This figure is an aggregated shares outstanding number for a company in terms of a particular share class. It can be used to calculate the most accurate market cap, based on each individual share’s trading price and the total aggregated shares outstanding figure.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million.
Short Term Debt Represents the amount of borrowings (principal and interest) which must be paid in the near future (usually one year).

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 Million
Total Assets Equals total current assets + total non-current assets.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 2000 = 2 Billion.
Total Current Assets Equals cash and equivalents + receivables + inventories + other current assets. Total current assets is the total amount of assets considered to be convertible into cash within a relatively short period of time, usually a year.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 2000 = 2 Billion.
Total Income Before Interest Expenses (EBIT) Equals Income after depreciation adjusted for interest income, other income, net and any special income/charges but before subtracting interest expense and taxes.

Note: Data stored in $Millions so for scanning purposes 100 = 100 million
Total Volume Last 13 Weeks  Trailing 3 month volume.