Factory Default Layout Workspace
The pre-built, factory default workspace is a group of layouts designed as an out-of-the-box place to start using TC2000 without the need to create any personal layouts.
The pre-built Trading layout is designed to integrate the basic tool windows needed to track orders, trades and positions.
1. The WatchList Window. Select any WatchList in the system and sort by any column values.

2. The Chart Window. Chart up to 25 years of price history with any indicators in the system.
3. The Portfolio (Positions) Window. Contains all the current positions held in the selected practice or brokerage account. View current positions or a log of all activity on the positions held for up to 36 months. View and sort trades by any of the position activities using the sort columns.
Check the tick box next to Positions to view your current positions.

Check the tick box next to both Positions and Orders to view your current positions and pending orders

Check the tick box next to Any Activity and use the drop down menu to select the time span over which to view the position activity in the window.

4. The Orders Window. Select this tab to see any active (pending) orders for the selected practice or brokerage account. View current orders or a historical log of all orders previously placed for up to 36 months. View and sort orders by any of the order details using the sort columns.
Use the drop down menu to choose whether to see all current orders or just the orders for the active symbol.

Check the tick box next to Orders and choose the time span over which to view the orders in the window.

Choose the Active option to see only the currently Active (pending) orders.

The Dist (Distance to Market) column sorts the Orders with those closest to firing at the top of the list.
5. The Trades Window. Select this tab to see any trades for the selected practice or brokerage account. View current trades or a historical log of all trades previously made for up to 36 months. View and sort trades by any of the trade details using the sort columns.
Use the drop down menu to choose whether to see all trades or just the trades for the active symbol.

Use the drop down menu to choose the time span over which to view the trades in the window.

The pre-built TC Classic layout is designed with the look and feel that TC2000 has had for many years. It integrates a simple chart, WatchList and news to help get started quickly with charting and analysis.
1. The Chart Window. Chart up to 25 years of price history with any indicators in the system.
2. The WatchList Window. Select any WatchList in the system and sort by any column values.

3. The News Window. Either LiveBriefs by MT Newswires or just personal notes feed are in this window depending on subscription. Choose a symbol from the WatchList or jump to a different symbol and the News Window populates with the stories related to the active symbol with the most recent stories at the top.
On any news headline, click the "more" button to open a window with the full news story.

To see a WatchList of the stocks mentioned in a news story, click the link at the beginning of the news headline (X syms).

The symbol list at the left of the window streams the symbols with the most recent news stories.

With a news subscription, feeds can be customized by clicking the Feeds button in the window. Simply check or un-check which feeds to choose what shows in the window.

To subscribe to the LiveBriefs by MT Newswires service (at either the basic or professional level) click the My Services button at the top right of TC2000 and select the LiveBriefs option under Monthly Data Feeds.

Designed to automate the connections between Market sectors, industries and the stocks that make them up. This fully integrated layout automatically loads the correct Sector, Industry and Components for the symbol selected.
How it works:
- Select a Sector in the Sector Indexes WatchList (1).
- This will load the industries that make up that Sector into the Industry WatchList (2).
- The Component WatchList (3) at the right of the Layout will populate with the individual stocks that make up that Sector.
- The price chart for that Sector will display in the chart window (4).
- Tabbed behind the main chart is a secondary chart with a comparison of the 11 sectors on the same chart (5).
You can also:
- Click on any industry symbol in the Industry Indexes WatchList (2) to load the symbols that make up that industry in the Component WatchList (3) and a chart of that Index in the chart window (4).
- Click on a Symbol in the Component WatchList (3) to load a chart of that stock in the chart window (4).
1. The Sector Indexes. This WatchList contains the symbols for the major S&P 500 Sectors. A sector is simply a segment in the economy within which a large group of companies can be categorized. (Examples are Financial Services or Technology.) All the companies falling under this large umbrella are aggregated to create a sector average. There are currently only 11 major sector indexes for the market.

2. Industry Indexes. This WatchList contains the symbols for the major Industry groups in the Market. An industry describes a much more specific grouping of companies with highly similar business activities. (Examples are Auto Parts or Regional Banks.) All the companies falling under this smaller umbrella are aggregated to create an industry average. There are many industries within a Sector. Currently there are more than 140 Industries that make up the broader market.

3. Component List. The stocks which are aggregated in either a Sector or Industry are called "components". A component list will contain all the symbols for the companies that make up the Sector or Industry. The number of individual stocks that make up a sector or industry will vary widely.

Whether a Sector, Industry or Component stock is selected, the chart in this layout will display the price history for that selected symbol.
4. Chart Window. 1) A simple bar chart is displayed for whichever Sector, Industry or Component is selected as the active symbol. 2) Click the Sector Indexes tab to get a comparison graph of the sector indexes against a major index (Default is DJ-30).
Analyze the annual price performance of Market sectors, industries and the stocks that make them up. This fully integrated layout automatically loads the correct Sector, Industry and Components for the symbol selected.
- Select a Sector in the Sector Indexes WatchList (1).
- This will load the Industries that make up that Sector in the Industry WatchList (2).
- The Component WatchList (3) at the bottom will populate with the individual stocks that make up that Sector.
- The price chart for that Sector will display in the chart window (4).
- Tabbed behind the main chart is a secondary chart with a comparison of the 11 sectors on the same chart (5).
You can also:
- Click on any industry symbol in the Industry Indexes WatchList (2) to load the symbols that make up that industry in the Component WatchList (3) and a chart of that Index in the chart window (4).
- Click on a Symbol in the Component WatchList (3) to load a chart of that stock in the chart window (4).
Using The Layout. The key to this Layout is the set of columns in each WatchList window. Click on the header of any column and to sort (rank) that WatchList by price performance over the year selected. Do this with each WatchList either for the same or different years.
This layout consists of a single chart with High/Low/Close price bars and Bollinger Bands. View any symbol without the distraction of other tool windows for a more defined look at a stock's price history.
Change Symbols. To jump to another symbol, simply start typing the symbol or company name you want to view. Hit the enter key on your keyboard or click on the symbol from the list.
Zoom in and out, pan back in time, review different time-frames. It is all very easy in this uncluttered chart layout.
This layout consists of a four charts with High/Low/Close price bars. Each one reflects a different time frame
- 15-minute
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Space bar through a WatchList (default is S&P 500) and the four charts all load the new symbol with four distinct views of the history and performance of the stock from intraday to long term.
Change TimeFrames. Change the time frame in any or all of the windows. Click the timeframe dropdown arrow and select the new timeframe desired.

This layout centers around the financial health of companies. Focusing on fundamentals, the layout provides a comprehensive view of key financials for all the stocks in any WatchList.
- WatchList Fundamental Columns
- Price Chart
- Fundamentals Report
Value & Rank. Each cell of the Fundamentals columns contains two pieces of information:
- The most current reported value for that particular fundamental. These are the numbers contained in the cell.
- The most current ranking of that stock for that fundamental against all the other stocks in the Market. That is seen in the small bar beneath the value numbers. (The more the bar is filled with grey, the higher the ranking.)

Sorting The WatchList. Sort (rank) the WatchList by the financial critieria in any of the columns. (e.g. Sort by Capitalization to rank the list by size; by Next Earnings to observe upcoming earnings dates; by Percent of Shares Held By Institutions to judge institutional interest in the company; or by Dividend yield to see the most recent yield.) Sorting by value automatically also sorts by rank.

The Chart Window. Pick a stock in the symbol column of the WatchList to display a candlestick price chart. The candlestick chart contains a 40- and 200-bar moving average.
The Report Window. The smaller window in the bottom right corner of the layout contains a report for the current symbol being viewed. Scroll down to get the current values for a large variety of company fundamentals.

The pre-built Trading layout is designed to integrate the Options Chart and chain with the active stock symbol. Plus, an Option scan is included as an example of how to scan a list of up to 10,000 option symbols.
1. The WatchList Window. Select any WatchList in the system and as you space bar through the WatchList, the active symbol generates a stock chart and an option chain based on the criteria selected. Click on an Option symbol to populate a second price chart of that particular option.

2. The Chart Window. This candlestick chart is set to a 65 minute time frame. Select a stock symbol in the WatchList to display a stock.

Select an option symbol in the option chain or option scan to see a plot of not only the underlying symbol with the strike price displayed on it, but a chart of the option itself as well.

3. The Option Chain Window. The option chain for the active symbol selected automatically populates this window.
The options displayed depend on the criteria chosen for the window. This default window contains Options with expiration dates for the next 118 days, 5 strikes, both Calls & Puts.

The columns in this window display information about each contract in the chain. The columns can be customized and expanded.The default columns are:
- The option Symbol
- The option Bid and Ask
- The Option Volume, Open Interest and Days to Expiration
- The option Greeks: Delta, Vega, Theta, Gamma
- The amount the Option is in or out of the money and its time value
- The Option implied volatility and stochastics of IV (a ranking of implied volatility)

In this pre-built layout, the Option Chain is being scanned automatically (1). (The example conditions are 2) daily Option volume greater than 5 contracts and the open interest is at least 100 contracts).
4. The Option Scan Window. A list of Options produced for the active symbol and is scanned for certain criteria.

The Scan conditions are
- Open Interest of greater than 100 contracts
- Daily option volume of at least 5 contracts
- Option price of at least 50 cents
- *The Stochastics of Implied Volatility and the actual Options Implied Volatility can be set to any values you desire.

To open the group of pre-built layouts as designed originally in TC2000, click the File menu and choose Open Factory Default Workspace.

Access any of the pre-built layouts individually by clicking the New button in the main menu and choose Layout Tab.

This opens the Select a Layout menu. The top right section contains all the pre-built layouts included in the program. Select the layout you want to add to your Layout Group.