How To Add Symbols To A WatchList On The Fly
With the new WatchList Manager, you can add a symbol or multiple symbols to any Personal WatchList on the fly.
Click Ctrl +M to Open WatchList Manager

Check any tickbox(es) to add the active symbol to any WatchList(s)

For a sequential list: In a WatchList, click the (1) first symbol you want to add to WatchLists, hold the Shift key down and then (2) click the last symbol you want to include. All symbols in between will highlight in the WatchList.

For a random list: In a WatchList, click the (1) first symbol you want to add to WatchLists, then hold the Ctrl key down and (2) click each symbol you want to include. All symbols in will highlight in the WatchList.

Click Ctrl +M to Open WatchList Manager

Check any tickbox(es) to add the active symbol to any WatchList(s)

In the WatchList manager, any WatchList containing some of the symbols will show a +# with the number of additional stocks that will be added if you add the list of symbols to it.

A confirmation will pop up for each WatchList you want to add the list to. Click on the message to add the symbols to the WatchList.