How to Add Most Watched/Most Watched-Trending Columns
With the new Most Watched and Most Watched--Trending columns, you get to see real-time and 24/7 measurements of activity around any symbol.
Most Watched: a scoring system based on server workload and traffic volume for each symbol over any given period of time - the last hour, day, week, month, any lookback time.
Most Watched--Trending: a scoring system measuring which symbols are moving up fastest in the “most watched” list. Stocks with high “trending” scores typically have recent announcements or news stories, and are often small and less widely-seen companies.
Click Here for more information on these measurements.
Click the Add Column button in a WatchList

Select Add Value Column from Menu

Enter "Most Watched" in search and select it from the menu

Repeat for Most Watched--Trending

Both Columns are now in the WatchList

Click column header to sort by either column.
- Most Watched: bring to the top the items with the most server activity
- Most Watched-Trending: bring to the top the items moving up fastest in the Most Watched list