How Does Sharing Work in TC2000
You can now share items from your TC2000 with others. If that person has TC2000, they will be able to open your shared item(s) in their software. If they do not have TC2000, they will be given the opportunity to download/subscribe in order to see what you are sharing.
You can share symbol lists, WatchList windows, scans, conditions, charts, chart templates, reports, even entire layouts. You will be given the option to share directly to Facebook or Twitter or copy the link to the clipboard. You can email the link to a friend, post on your website or post to your favorite social media feed.
Below is a basic overview of how sharing works. Other Share articles in this section of the Help files will walk you through the detailed steps for sharing.
What does "Sharing" do?
Sharing allows you to share your personal work in TC2000 at a variety of levels. This is a direct way to share with someone else what you have created.
What can be shared?
- A WatchList and Column Set (symbols and columns)
- A Chart (template with its settings)
- A Symbol (a basic chart of the symbol)
- A Layout (with all the tools built in it)
- An EasyScan (with its conditions)
- A Stock or Condition Count Report (with all criteria)
- Positions/Orders/Trades windows (either symbols, or symbols and columns)
How does "Sharing" work?
When you share an item, a URL is created. You can copy and paste the URL into an email, text message, etc. The person with whom you share the link can click on it to be prompted: a) to open the item in TC2000 or b) to download the software, subscribe and see the shared item.
Where are Shared Items Found?
Click the Share icon at the top right of TC2000 to find a list of all the items a) items that have been shared to you.; b) tools for sharing; c) items that have been shared by you.

What if I Want to Keep Items Someone Shares With Me?
Once you have opened a shared item to view it, click the Save icon to add it to your Library