How To Filter Sector and Industry WatchLists
You can filter the integrated Sector/Industry/Stock lists with saved or created Scan conditions. We will use the pre-built Drill Down layout which contains the three integrated WatchLists to show how you can filter Sectors/Industries/Stocks in one layout. As you spacebar through the filtered Sector list, the integrated Industry and Stock lists can be automatically filtered as well. Steps to set up the Filters are below.
The Drill Down Pre-built Layout
For more information on the Drill Down pre-built layout, click here. To review all the pre-built layouts, click here.
1. Scan the Sectors
Place a checkmark next the the Filter field in the Sector WatchList.

This opens the Scan tools with which you can select saved conditions/condition sets or create a new condition/condition set.

Click the Filter drop down (default says No Conditions). Then click the add Condition icon.

Click Add True/False Column

This opens the condition library. Click New Condition to create a new condition/condition set for Filtering. (Note: the library contains pre-built and saved conditions which you may also select instead of creating new ones.)

In the condition Editor, click Add Condition to open the condition wizard. Select Choose Condition(s).

Use the typing shortcut in the Search field to select a criteria to work with. Select criteria from the list. (This example will be Price up at least %3 in the last 22 days).

In the condition drop down, select Moving UP

In the Move Type, click to Select Percent

Change the %Change> to 3 and the Move Period to 22. Click OK to run the Filter in the current WatchList.

Click the Copy to... button if you want to use the condition(s) in a different way.

- Window in Current Layout (opens target mode with option to choose any window)
- New Filtered WatchList (Opens new window with default WatchList and sorts by condition set)
- New Market Gauge (summary of scan results over time)
- New Market Indicator (historical scan plot)
- New True/False Column in WatchList (sortable T/F column in current active WatchList)
- New Data Grid (creates new Data Grid with the condition set as an entry)
- Clipboard (copy conditions to computer clipboard for reuse)
This filters the Sector list so that only Sectors with at least a 3% move in the last trading month appear in the WatchList.

2. Scan the Industries
Place a checkmark next the the Scan field in the Industry WatchList.

This opens the condition library. Click New Condition to create a new condition/condition set for Filtering. (Note: the library contains pre-built and saved conditions which you may also select instead of creating new ones.)

In the condition Editor, click Add Condition to open the condition wizard. Select Choose Condition(s).

Use the typing shortcut in the Search field to select a criteria to work with. Select criteria from the list. (This example will be Price up at least %3 in the last 22 days).

In the condition drop down, select Moving UP

In the Move Type, click to Select Percent

Change the %Change> to 3 and the Move Period to 22. Click OK to run the Filter in the current WatchList.

Click the Copy to... button if you want to use the condition(s) in a different way.

- Window in Current Layout (opens target mode with option to choose any window)
- New Filtered WatchList (Opens new window with default WatchList and sorts by condition set)
- New Market Gauge (summary of scan results over time)
- New Market Indicator (historical scan plot)
- New True/False Column in WatchList (sortable T/F column in current active WatchList)
- New Data Grid (creates new Data Grid with the condition set as an entry)
- Clipboard (copy conditions to computer clipboard for reuse)
This filters the Sector list so that only Sectors with at least a 3% move in the last trading month appear in the WatchList.

3. Scan the Individual Stocks
Place a checkmark next the the Scan field in the Stock WatchList.

This opens the Scan tools with which you can select saved conditions/condition sets or create a new condition/condition set.

Click the Filter drop down (default says No Conditions). Then click the add Condition icon.

Click Add True/False Column

This opens the condition library. Click New Condition to create a new condition/condition set for Filtering. (Note: the library contains pre-built and saved conditions which you may also select instead of creating new ones.)

In the condition Editor, click Add Condition to open the condition wizard. Select Choose Condition(s).

Use the typing shortcut in the Search field to select a criteria to work with. Select criteria from the list. (This example will be Price up at least %3 in the last 22 days).

In the condition drop down, select Moving UP

In the Move Type, click to Select Percent

Change the %Change> to 3 and the Move Period to 22. Click OK to run the Filter in the current WatchList.

Click the Copy to... button if you want to use the condition(s) in a different way.

- Window in Current Layout (opens target mode with option to choose any window)
- New Filtered WatchList (Opens new window with default WatchList and sorts by condition set)
- New Market Gauge (summary of scan results over time)
- New Market Indicator (historical scan plot)
- New True/False Column in WatchList (sortable T/F column in current active WatchList)
- New Data Grid (creates new Data Grid with the condition set as an entry)
- Clipboard (copy conditions to computer clipboard for reuse)
This filters the Sector list so that only Sectors with at least a 3% move in the last trading month appear in the WatchList.