How to Edit WatchList Properties
Change the background color, size of text, and color of grid.
1. Click on the hamburger icon in the top right corner of the Watchlist window.

You can also right click on a blank area in the watchlist (Blue Arrow) to access the Watchlist Properties menu.
2. Select Watchlist Properties.

3. Select the properties you would like to edit

You can edit
- the background color of the WatchList window
- apply/edit a gradient color
- edit the color of the WatchList grid, and
- decrease or increase the font size
Click Apply apply the changes to a) all WatchLists in the current layout; b) all WatchLists currently in the program; c) all new WatchList windows opened.
4. Once you make your desired changes, click OK.

Selecting Apply to... allows you to apply your specified settings to all WatchLists in your current layout, All WatchLists in your system, or make it the default settings for any new watchlist or EasyScan created.