How To Group Columns
To help with column organization, you can now group columns together for any reason that makes sense to you. Plus, it gives you the ability to toggle groups of columns between visible/invisible in the WatchList window. You can have multiple groups of columns in a WatchList and any group can also contain Stacked or grouped columns.
Open the Edit Columns & Filters window
Click the Edit button in the WatchList window

Select the columns you want to group together
To select several in a row, click on the first item, hold down the Shift key and click on the last item. All items will be highlighted.

To select several items that are not contiguous, click on the first item, hold down the Ctrl key and click on each item you want to group. All items will be highlighted.

Right click on the highlighted stocks and choose Group Selected Items

Name the Column Group. Click OK to apply.

The columns are now grouped and show as such in the Edit Columns & Filters window
The heading (e.g. Basic Info) appears and the grouped columns are indented below it.

Click the icon beside the Group name to collapse the items in the edit window. Click again to display the columns in the group.

Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the group.

Click and drag an existing column (including Stacked columns or another column Group) into the group. A dashed orange line appears at the position in which the column will appear (you can drag the column to any place in the group). You can also click and drag an existing column (including Stacked columns or another column Group) out of the group.

Click the "Eyeball" icon to toggle the column group between visible and invisible in the WatchList

You can still make any individual column within the group visible/invisible.

Click the X Delete icon to remove the entire group of columns from the WatchList