How to Use Drawing Boards
TC2000 offers nine (9) different drawing boards on which to segregate drawings for any reason. Drawings can be assigned to any specific board and the boards can be toggled on and off independent of each other. Use any single board or any combination of boards to organize all the drawings placed on charts. (Note: Drawing Boards can be used from Windows application only.)
1. To turn on the extra drawing boards in TC2000, click the Tools menu and select System Settings to open the Settings editor.
By default, the extra drawing boards are turned off. These first two steps are necessary to use the extra drawing boards.

2. Choose the Charts tab and place a checkmark next to Include Extra Drawing Boards.

You will need to restart TC2000 for the new settings to be applied.

3. To access the drawing boards on the chart, click the Show /Hide drawing toolbar button (Artist's Palette icon) located above the price scale.

4. The drawing board controls comprise the bottom half of drawing tool menu.

If the drawing tool menu appears in collapsed mode click the More button to expand it.

5. Drawing boards are symbol specific. Drawings made on a symbol (e.g. NFLX) will only show up when that symbol is plotted on the price chart. However, drawings made on boards 1-8 will show up regardless of the Chart Template used.

The Scratch drawing board is not only symbol specific, it is chart template specific as well. When using this board drawings made on a symbol (e.g. NFLX) will only display when that symbol is the active symbol and the specific chart template the drawing(s) was originally created on is selected.
As an example if you are using the Candlestick chart template and you place a drawing on NFLX, then change to the Bollinger Bands chart template, that drawing will no longer be visible.

The All drawing board displays drawings made on all boards (1-8) and any drawings made on the scratch board using the current chart template.

6. The blue highlight indicates the active board. Drawings placed on the chart template appear on this board.

7. Check marks indicate which boards are currently visible.
Note: Drawing board #1 is the default drawing board for TC2000.

Multiple boards can be visible simultaneously. Simply place a checkmark next to the board number(s) desired.

8. The number columns in each drawing board row indicate the number of drawings residing on that board.

The center column indicates the number of drawings for the active symbol.

In the right hand column, the first number indicates the total number of symbols that have drawings on them using that board. The second number indicates the total number of drawings using that board.

Click on any of these numbers to move those drawing to a different board or delete them. Click the right-hand column to open a Watchlist of those symbols that have drawings.

9. Check/uncheck the box next to Show Drawings to toggle the visibility of drawings on and off.

10. The Only > x% chart control sets a parameter to show only drawings larger than the specified percent (%) of the chart. This hides drawings that become too small to be functional when the chart history is expanded.

11. To assign any drawing to a specific board, click on the drawing and choose Move to from the menu

Select the board as the destination for that particular drawing.