How to View Personal Notes
Personal Notes are a way to integrate thoughts and analysis on individual symbols or incorporate a trading journal. The My Notes stream organizes these notes historically. Each time a symbol is viewed on which a note has been written, the note appears in the Notes & News window.
Click the Notes & News menu button and choose View My Notes

Overview of the My Notes feed
Click the symbol drop down menu. Select how you want the News to be displayed.

Selected symbol link. Shows notes for the current active symbol in historical order from most recent back. When you change symbols, the Notes automatically load for the newly chosen symbol.

Any Symbol Change. Any symbol change on any item in the Layout will result in the Notes loading for that selected symbol from the most recent back. (Example below, chart symbol changed.)
My Positions. Displays Notes on the symbols contained in the currently chosen Trading (Live or Paper) account from the most recent back.

All Symbols. Displays Notes on all the symbols on which you've written notes from the most recent back.

Symbol from. Displays Notes on stocks contained within a symbol link color group from the most recent back.

Lock to Symbol. Displays Notes on stocks only on the chosen symbol and does not change when new symbols are selected in the Layout from the most recent back. (Note, you can accomplish this by clicking the lock icon as well. It shows locked when you lock to a symbol.)

Linked Symbols in Personal Notes
The ticker symbol (in blue) is a linked symbol. Click on it to make that symbol the active symbol on the chart.
The Attached Chart
To see the chart that was attached when the note was written, click on the Chart link at the end of the note text.

The attached chart containing the indicators that were present when the note was written will show when the note was entered (orange arrows/line) and what has happened to the stock since the note was written.

Click the orange arrow and choose Clip back to date to move the chart back to the date on which Note was written. (Note: use the forward bracket key } to move the chart forward one bar at a time to see how the chart patterns developed after your Note.)

Note markers (N) show where the Personal Note was written and attached to the chart. Hover over the N marker to see the details of the Note.

Delete a Personal Note from the feed
Hover the mouse over the note until the X (delete) button becomes visible. Click the delete icon and confirm to remove the note.