How To Plot Market Indicator Over Time (Add to current chart)
A Market Indicator Plot allows you to plot condition results historically over time. A bar chart is created from the Filter for 1500 bars in any timeframe. Each bar tells you the number of stocks in your selected WatchList returned for any particular date. It is easy to see whether a condition returns many or a few symbols at any given point in time. Market Indicator plots show how many stocks pass your condition(s) historically. They can make for good market timing indicators and are useful for checking if your conditions are too strict or loose. (Click here to see how Select Date On Chart refresh rate allows you to run the scan on those dates to see the actual symbols that past your conditions.)
*Platinum service level required.
1. From a WatchList Window
Turn the Filter tool on in your WatchList.

Select Filter to be Historically Plotted. Click the Filter name (or No Conditions) to open the condition editor. Click the Name of a Filter in the Edit window. Click the Folder icon to open your condition/condition set library. Select the condition/set you wish to use. In this example, we will be using an existing condition called 5 Day Gainer.
(Click here for help selecting existing scan conditions from library.)
Note: Condition sets using mixed time frames will create a Scan Plot using only one time frame for all conditions.
Alternately, create a new condition/condition set. Click the Filter Name to open the Edit Columns & Filters window. Click the Add condition button and choose Add True/False Column.
(Click here for help creating conditions for a new scan.)

2. From the Filter Column.
Right click on the T/F Column header. Select Copy to... from the drop down menu.

Choose Window In Current Layout. This opens Target Mode.

Select Plot Market Indicator (on the chart).
This plots the Market Indicator on the current chart.

3. From the Chart (Add Plot Menu)
Click the Add Plot button on the chart.

Type Market Indicator-Counts in the Search field. Click on Market Indicator-Counts.

Alternately, click the / key on your keyboard and type Market Indicator to get the Add plot menu with Market Indicator-Counts at the top of the list.
This plots a default Scan Plot at the bottom of your existing chart

Click on the name of the Market Indicator (in the legend) and choose Edit.

To change the condition set which is being historically plotted in the Market Indicator, click the Folder icon

Select from the list the condition set you want to plot historically with the Market Indicator

This shows the new conditions in the condition window. Click OK to apply to the Market Indicator plot.

This opens and calculates the scan plot for your conditions for the entire timeframe history (1500 bars) in your existing chart window.

TC2000 Platinum service level is required for this feature.