How To Share An Item With The Share Button
You can now share items from your TC2000 with others. If that person has TC2000, they will be able to open your shared item(s) in their software. If they do not have TC2000, they will be given the opportunity to download/subscribe in order to see what you are sharing.
You can share symbol lists, WatchList windows, scans, conditions, charts, chart templates, reports, even entire layouts. You will be given the option to share directly to Facebook or Twitter or copy the link to the clipboard. You can email the link to a friend, post on your website or post to your favorite social media feed.
Below is a basic overview of how sharing works. Other Share articles in this section of the Help files will walk you through the detailed steps for sharing.
1. Click the Share Button at the top right of the screen

This opens the Share library. Here you will find all shared items including a) items that have been shared to you; b) tools for sharing; c) items that have been shared by you.

Click View Items Shared To Me. This opens a list of items you have received from other TC2000 users.

Click on any blue link to open the item

Click the "x" next to any entry to delete it form the Shared Items library.

Click "Mark all as read" to mark all items as having been viewed.
Click View Items Shared By Me. This opens a list of items you have sent to other TC2000 users.

2. Click the link to Share The Current Layout
Share this layout: shares the current layout with all its tool windows and settings.

This creates a unique URL that can be shared with another person via Email, text message, etc.

Note: Click Post to Facebook or Post to Twitter to use the item in your Social Media acct. (Note: Copy to Clipboard can be done from Windows application only.)
Paste the URL into an email or other communication vehicle to send it to recipient.

3. Click the link to Share a Tool From the Layout
Select window to share: shares a selected tool window in the current layout

This opens target mode.
Click the Share Item button in the tool window you want to share.

This creates a unique URL that can be shared with another person via Email, text message, etc. Click Copy to Clipboard to copy URL to the computer clipboard.

Note: Click Post to Facebook or Post to Twitter to use the item in your Social Media acct. (Note: Copy to Clipboard can be done from Windows application only.)
Paste the URL into an email or other communication vehicle to send it to recipient.

4. How to Open a Shared Item Once Received
Once the recipient has the URL for the item you've shared, they will simply click the link to open the dialogue.

The message is brought up in a browser ask the recipient to confirm they want to see the item opened in their TC2000.

The item then opens in their TC2000
The item is stored in their TC2000 in the Shared Item Library. (Click the Shared Items dropdown to see the items shared by you).