TC2000 Help SiteFunctionalitySoftware HelpMiscellaneousHow to View a Heatmap on a Mobile Device

How to View a Heatmap on a Mobile Device

View a heat map of any WatchList in TC2000 using the browser on a computer.  A heat map graphically represents certain data in a matrix of colors. Heat maps for TC2000 can be based on Price Percent Change Today or Today's Volume Buzz. This can be done across devices such as a tablet or smart phone. Here is how to view the heat maps.

1. Type in the browser address field on your mobile device

The first visit to this URL on a device requires sign-in using the appropriate TC2000 username and password. Click the Sign In button. (Subsequent visits on that device should log in automatically if Keep me signed in is checked.)

2. Once logged in, click on Heat Map in the top menu

3. This opens the heat map of the S&P 500 based on Today's Percent Change

At the top of the heat map in brightest green are the stocks with the largest positive percent change. At the bottom in brightest red are the stocks with the largest negative percent change. (Between the extremes, the colors fade to show the declining percentages.)

Values for % Change and Volume Buzz are automatically and continuously updated to reflect the correct values for each symbol.

4. Change the WatchList

Click on the WatchList drop down to view and select a WatchList from TC2000. Choose from Personal WatchLists, Component lists, Sector lists and other system WatchLists. The heat map will then be created with the components of the newly selected list.

5. Change the heat map criteria

Click the % Change drop down and choose Volume Buzz. The heat map will now be based on Volume Buzz--unusual intraday volume.

6. View list as sector heat maps

Click the Group by Sector button.

This divides the stocks in the WatchList into their respective sectors. A heat map is then created for the selected criteria (i.e. % Change or Volume Buzz)

7. Sort the heat map

Click the Symbol button to sort the heat map by symbol in the ascending alphabetical order direction. Click again to re-sort in descending alphabetical order.

Click the Value button to sort the heat map based on the selected criteria (% Change or Volume Buzz) in the ascending (low to high). Click again to re-sort in descending order.

8. Use heat map symbols on the mobile device to set active symbol in TC2000

Click any symbol in the heat map to change the active symbol in TC2000 to that selected symbol.

Click here to view a Tutorial Video demonstrating this feature.