How to Move Flagged Items to a Different WatchList
Here are the steps to move stocks that you have flagged into a different Personal WatchList or create a new Personal WatchList from them.
1. Flag the stocks in the WatchList that you want to move
The blue flagged items are the ones you will be moving.

2. Right click on a symbol row in the WatchList

3. Select Copy Flagged (x) to...
This will copy the number of flagged items noted in the menu.

4. Create a new Personal WatchList from the flagged items
To create a new Personal WatchList from the flagged symbols click (New Personal WatchList)

Name the new Personal WatchList. Click OK to add the symbols to the List and place the new list in the WatchList library.

Optional: you can choose an icon and color for the new WatchList to use for Tag columns. Click Here for more on Tag Columns.
Click the WatchList menu button (or the WatchList picker in a layout). Click the Personal tab.

Your new WatchList created from the Flagged stocks will now appear in the Personal WatchList directory.

5. Add the Flagged items to an Existing WatchList
Select the Personal WatchList in which you want to place the flagged itesm

The symbols have now been added to the selected WatchList