How To Edit True/False Column (Condition)
You can edit the condition(s) of a True/False column in a couple of ways. This allows you to adjust parameters of criteria without removing or readding the column to your WatchList.
1. From The Column Header
Right-click on the column header and choose Edit.

This opens the conditions editor for the True/False Column.

2. From the Column Editor
Click the Edit button in the WatchList Window.

This opens the Edit Columns & Filters window.

Click the name of the condition you desire to edit. This opens the conditions editor for that True/False Column.

3. Edit the condition(s) of the True False Column
Use the criteria editor to change/set condition.

Note: to add other criteria to the condition, click the +sign and create condition from there.

Click OK to finish the condition edit and return to the Edit Columns and Filters window. Then click Close in the Edit Column & Filters window to return to the main WatchList window and see the newly edited True False Column.
Alternatively, click Copy to... and apply the edited condition to another tool in your software.