How To Stack Columns in A WatchList
You can now stack columns vertically to use less horizontal screen real estate in a WatchList window. There are two ways to do this: directly in the WatchList window or in the Column editor.
1. Click on the column header you wish to stack

2. Drag to position over or under the column you want to stack with
An orange bar appears at the top or bottom of the column destination (depending on whether you choose to stack above or below).

3. Release mouse button to place the column in the new stack

Column data will now show up in the stacked format.

You can still sort by either column simply by clicking on the respective column header.

4. Stack as many columns as you want to see/sort the selected data displayed vertically in a single column

You can stack any type of column (e.g. value or condition).
1. Click the Edit button in the WatchList header.

2. Click the name of the column you want to stack (in the Edit Columns & Filters window)

2. Drag to position over the column you want to stack with
An orange bar appears vertically over the column destination (depending on whether you choose to stack above or below).

3. Release mouse button to place the column in the new stack

Column data will now show up in the stacked format.

You can still sort by either column simply by clicking on the respective column header.

Click and drag an item in the Edit Column window stack to rearrange the items (an orange line will show the position of the stacked item when moved).

4. Stack as many columns as you want to see/sort the selected data displayed vertically in a single column

You can stack any type of column (e.g. value or condition).