How To Set Pre- & Post-Market Default View
You can choose how you want Pre/Post Market data displayed. Select from seeing the data only in pre/post hours, seeing it all the time or not seeing it at all. You can also choose Pre/Post System Defaults. Here are the steps.
*Gold or Platinum service level required
1. Set Pre/Post Display Default From the Chart
Right click on the chart and choose Edit Chart Properties from the menu

Select the Pre/Post Data tab

Set your preference for displaying the data
Show pre/post data
- When Pre/Post is checked...(this would display data during pre/post market hours)
- Always show...(displays 2 most recent pre/post sessions on all intraday charts)
- Never...(does not display pre/post data)

Set your preferences for coloring pre/post data (optional)
- Color the pre/post price display differently from standard market hours (put checkmark; choose color)
- Shade the pre/post price price background (put checkmark; choose color; set opacity)

Click OK to apply

This will set the display for your pre/post market data
2. Set Pre/Post Display Default from Price Plot Editor
Click on Price plot name in legend of price pane. Choose Edit from menu.

Select the Pre/Post Data tab

Set your preference for displaying the data
Show pre/post data
- When Pre/Post is checked...(this would display data during pre/post market hours)
- Always show...(displays 2 most recent pre/post sessions on all intraday charts)
- Never...(does not display pre/post data)

Set your preferences for coloring pre/post data (optional)
- Color the pre/post price display differently from standard market hours (put checkmark; choose color)
- Shade the pre/post price price background (put checkmark; choose color; set opacity)

Click OK to apply

This will set the display for your pre/post market data