How to Find a Stock's Next Earnings Date
A sortable column allows a stock's Next Earnings date to be viewed as a date column in the WatchList. Sorting by the date can bring the stocks with the nearest or farthest Next Earnings date to the top of the WatchList. Here are the steps to adding and sorting by Next Earnings.
1. Add Next Earnings Column to WatchList
Select the orange Add Column button to the right of your last existing column

Click Add Value Column

Type Next Earnings in the search field

This adds the Next Earnings date column to the WatchList

2. Sort by Next Earnings
Click on the Next Earnings column header to Sort the WatchList
This sorts the list in descending order (largest to smallest values) which puts the farthest Next Earnings dates at the top of the WatchList.

Click the Next Earnings column header a second time to reverse the order of the sort (ascending: smallest to largest value). This will put the nearest Next Earnings dates at the top of the WatchList.
3. Review Next Earnings Date Values
Click on any symbol in the WatchList to see the Next Earnings date displayed for that symbol (if/where applicable)