How to Write a Personal Note on a Symbol
Personal Notes are a way to integrate thoughts and analysis on individual symbols or incorporate a trading journal. The My Notes stream organizes these notes historically. Each time a symbol is viewed on which a note has been written, the note appears in the Notes & News window.
1. Open the Notes window
Click Shift + N (hold the shift key down and press N on the keyboard) to open a blank notes window for the active symbol.

Alternative ways to open the Notes window:
- Click the New menu button and choose Note
- Click the Notes & News Menu and choose Write A Note
Overview of Notes window
The Notes window contains five specific features:
- The ticker symbol (with the $ sign). Creates a live link so that the note automatically appears anytime the symbol is selected. Also, click on the symbol in an existing Note to make that stock the active symbol.
- The text field. Space to record desired information can be written.
- The attached chart. The note automatically attaches the chart as it is being viewed for future reference.
- The Insert Symbol link. Click to insert a linked symbol into the text of the Note.
- The Attachments drop down. Click to add another chart, Watchlist, EasyScan or Layout to the Note.
- The My Notes feed. Click on the link to open the My Notes stream with a full list of all personal notes.

2. Type information desired in text field

3. Add attachments to personal note

4. Click Save to add the Note to the My Notes feed

5. The Note is now in the My Notes feed and a marker shows on the main chart on the date on which it was written

Hover the cursor over the Note marker to see note details.