How To Change the Order of Columns in a WatchList
You can rearrange the order in which your columns are displayed in a couple of ways. This allows you to easily adjust the information displayed to a format that makes most sense for you.
Simply click a column header and drag it to the new position in which you want to display it. The orange line shows the new position/placement of the column. You can drag columns left or right and rearrange them any way you feel best.

Note: the column can be placed to the left, right, above or below any other column. The orange line will appear in the exact position the column is being moved to. Click here to see the article on How To Stack Columns to learn how to place columns above/below other columns.
Alternately, you can right click on the Column header and choose Move Column. Use the Move Column window to place the column in desired position.

Click Edit in the WatchList window.

Simply click the name of the column to move and drag it to the new position.

An orange line highlights the new position where the column will be placed

You can drag columns up or down; move them into or out of groups or stacks. Click OK to apply new column order.