How to Sort with Bid/Ask Spread Column (Options)
You can sort any Option Chain (or a personal WatchList of Option symbols) by Bid/Ask* Spread (how far apart are the bid & ask currently). Click once to sort in descending order. A second click will sort in ascending order. Descending order places the highest values at the top of the Option Chain. Ascending order the smallest values. Bid/Ask spread updates in real-time.*
1. Open the Option Chain to be sorted
Right click on the chart and choose Option Chain from the drop down menu

This will display the Option Chain for the current active symbol.

Click the symbol icon at the top left of the Option chain for the choice to display up to 10,000 options for a WatchList of stocks.
2. Select the orange Add Column button to the right of your last existing column

3. Select Add Value Column

4. Type Bid/Ask Spread

5. Select Bid/Ask Spread

6. Your column is now added to your watchlist

7. Left-click on the column header
The WatchList automatically sorts by the column values or condition(s). The blue arrow shows in which direction the sort is ordered. Descending order (1) will have the largest Bid/Ask spreads at the top of the list. Ascending order (2) will have the smallest Bid/Ask spreads at the top of the list.

8. Manually refresh sort
Click on the Re-sort button at the bottom of the WatchList to manually refresh the current sort column and bring the results to current (according to the current service level).

*All Bid/Ask/Mid spread plots, indicators, columns, etc., require the additional Real-time US Stock data feed for stocks and Real-time US Options data feed for Options.