TC2000 Help SiteFunctionalitySoftware HelpPersonal ProfileHow to Change A Subscription and/or Add Monthly Data Feeds

How to Change A Subscription and/or Add Monthly Data Feeds

In addition to your TC2000 data/software subscription, there are optional monthly data feeds you can add to enhance your service. Available feeds are: Real time feeds: Stocks, options, Indexes; Dow Jones Indexes & WatchLists (delayed or Real-time); LiveBriefs by MT Newswires (Investor or Professional feeds); Additional Alerts (100/500 above what is included in your service level); Additional Concurrent Streaming Scans (3/10 above what is included in your service level). Instructions are below for how to add/remove any of these monthly services.

How to change your subscription via

1. Go to

2. Click on Sign In.

3. Sign in using your Email or Screen Names and Password. Select Continue.

4. Your name will now appear where the Sign In option was. Click on your name.

5. Select My Software Subscriptions from the drop down.

6. Select the plan and pricing option from the drop down menus

7. Click "Continue to Data Feeds". Select any data feeds you desire to add to your subscription.

8. Change or update any necessary personal information.

9. Click Submit Changes (if editing) or Place Order (if adding).

How to change your subscription via the Help menu

1. Click Help.

2. Select My Profile.

2. Select "Your Profile" from the drop down menu.

3. Click the Services tab, then View/Change Pricing Plans.

3. Click the Service tab.

4. Select your plan change, then "Continue to Data Feeds". If you are wanting to add a data feed simply select "Continue to Data Feeds" without making a service plan change.

4. Click Change Service.

5. You will be directed back to the "Your Software & Data Services". Add any additional Monthly Data Feeds you wish. Click "Continue to Checkout".

6. Check over you order carefully then select "Place your order".

Please Note: Services may be prorated to your next billing date.

How to change your subscription via My Services

1. Click on My Services in the top right corner of your program.

2. Be sure you are on the Services tab, then select View/Change Pricing Plans.

3. Click the Service tab.

3. Select your plan change, then "Continue to Data Feeds". If you are wanting to add a data feed simply select "Continue to Data Feeds" without making a service plan change.

4. Click Change Service.

4. You will be directed back to the "Your Software & Data Services". Add any additional Monthly Data Feeds you wish. Click "Continue to Checkout".

5. Check over you order carefully then select "Place your order".

Please Note: Services may be prorated to your next billing date.