How to Edit a Single Item in the Chart Toolbar
Any displayed item in the Chart Toolbar can be edited from the chart. Here are the steps.
1. Hover the mouse cursor over the item to be edited

2. This opens a drop down menu

From this menu the specific field can be edited/deleted, a new field added or the Chart Toolbar editor opened.
3. To Edit the specific field, choose Edit in the drop down menu

4. This brings up the Edit menu for the specific field selected

These fields can be edited:
- Make the field visible
- Delete the field
- Move the filed on the toolbar
- Affect margins (space) around field data
- Change font size/style for the field data
- Adjust decimal places/values shown
- Create a prefix/suffix to display as label
- Set text color
- Set tooltip
Each field added will have its own specific and unique items that can be edited.
5. Click OK when edits are complete