How to Add a Multiple Conditions from the Library as a Column to a Watchlist
A condition is a desired behavior of an indicator or plot (e.g. price at a new 50-bar high or Stochastics crossing its %D.) Adding Conditions from the Condition Library as a Watchlist column will place the column in the Watchlist and a checkmark beside each stock in the list which meets that condition.
1. Select the orange Add Column button to the right of the last existing column

2. Choose Add True/False Column from drop down menu

3. Click the My Conditions tab

4. Select a saved Condition Set from the library

Use the typing shortcut in the Search field to quickly find Conditions in the library.
5. The conditions are added as a column with a checkmark beside the stocks in the Watchlist that meet that condition

Click the condition column header to sort by the condition and bring the checkmarks to the top of the list.
Learn to edit the column header Here