How to Add Comparison Symbols to a Chart
This feature allows you to compare a stock's performance to an index or even another stock. You can enter up to 10 symbols to plot on the chart alongside the main symbol, as well as the sector and industry averages for the symbol. They can be turned on and off individually and you can set different colors for each.
1. Right click anywhere on the chart template.

2. Click Edit Chart Properties.

3. Select the Comparisons tab.

3. In the Comparison Overlays window, click the tick box next to the symbols you want to be overlaid. An eye will appear to denote the comparison is now visible.
Note: for a true performance comparison chart, make sure you have a check mark next to Start all plots at same point.

To add more comparisons, click on Add Comparison and select the type of comparison symbol you want.
- Symbol comparison--use any ticker symbol in the system
- Industry Index--automatically uses the ticker for the related industry index of the active symbol
- Sector Index--automatically uses the ticker for the related sector index of the active symbol
- WatchList Index--creates an unweighted index for any selected WatchList in the system (Note: Platinum only feature)

Type the desired Ticker Symbol

The symbol is added to the list and plotted on the chart as a comparison. Add as many comparison symbols as you like.

4. Select the color you want for each symbol. Click on the down arrow to open the color pallet.

5. Once you have everything selected, click on OK.

Checking the box next to Start all plots at the same point will allow an apple to apple comparison by percent change for the visible period of chart history.