How to Drag/Drop An Indicator To or From a Data Grid
A data grid is a tool where you can gather multiple pieces of information in one window and view it for any symbol. You can now drag/drop a chart indicator to or from a data grid. You can also drag a WatchList column to or from a data grid. Here's how.
Note: the Data Grids used in these examples are author-created and not pre-built in TC2000.
Click the Library menu button and choose Data Grids to open the Data Grid menu.

Select the name of the Data Grid you want to open and add information to.

Click on the indicator you want to drag to the Data Grid.

Drag the indicator to the column/row position in the destination Data Grid.

Release the mouse button to place the column information on the Data Grid.

The indicator can be placed in any row or column position on the Data Grid.
Click on the item in the Data Grid you want to plot on your chart.

Drag the item to the desired position on the destination chart. (An orange line appears at the position where the plot will be placed on the chart. Choose any chart position you desire).

Release the item to plot it in the new chart position.

You many only drag/drop items that can be plotted onto the chart (e.g. technical/fundamental indicators, market indicators, etc.)
Click here to learn more about the new Data Grids.