How to Add a Symbol to an Existing Personal WatchList
There are several ways to add an individual symbol to any existing Personal WatchList. Here is a breakdown of the steps for each of the different ways to add the symbol.
Click the Add Symbol to WatchList icon in the system toolbar at the top of the chart

This opens a list of all the Personal WatchLists saved in TC2000.

Click the WatchList name into which the new symbol is to be placed. This automatically adds the symbol to the selected WatchList.

Click the keyboard combination: Ctrl + M

This opens the Memberships menu with list of all the Personal WatchLists saved in TC2000 with a Tick Box next to each name.

Place a check mark in the Tick Box next to the name into which the new symbol is to be placed. This automatically places the symbol in the selected WatchList

Unchecking any tick box in the Memberships window will remove the stock from the unselected WatchList.
To copy a LIST of multiple symbols:
- Click on the first symbol to copy;
- Hold down the Shift Key on the keyboard;
- Click the last symbol to copy.
This highlights the entire list of symbols from the first to last selected.

To copy a RANDOM GROUP of symbols:
- Click on the first symbol to copy;
- Hold down the Control (Ctrl) Key on the keyboard;
- Click each symbol to copy.
This highlights the entire list of symbols from the first to last selected.

After highlighting the desired symbols, right click on ANY highlighted symbol to get the drop down menu.

Click Copy {# of symbols highlighted} to... Alternately, use the Ctrl + C keyboard combination.

This opens a list of all the Personal WatchLists saved in TC2000.

Click the WatchList name into which the new symbol is to be placed. This automatically adds the symbol to the selected WatchList.