How to Create Projection Space on a Chart
Projection space makes room at the end, top or bottom of the chart so that drawing tools (e.g. trendlines, Fibonacci retracements, etc.) or indicators (e.g. Ichimoku Cloud) can extend their values into the future. This tool enables a view of the future trajectory of lines and indicators.
1. Small white triangles are located near the top and bottom of the plotted indicator's scale. These are the projection space controls.
2. To increase space to the right of the latest price bar, hover the mouse over the arrow located above the date scale until a dashed line appears. Click and drag the line to move the chart history and create projection space.
3. To increase space above the price history, hover the mouse over the arrow located near the top of the price scale until a dashed line appears. Click and drag the line down to create projection space above the price.
The hotkey combination Shift = will increase margin above and below the chart, Shift - will decrease margin
4. To increase space below the price history, hover the mouse over the arrow located near the top of the price scale until a dashed line appears. Click and drag the line down to create projection space above the price.
Please note that the closer these arrows are to each other the less price movement you will see.
6. Projection space allows drawings and indicators to project beyond the end of current plot history.