How to Use New Scaling Menu
The new streamlined scaling menu allows you to quickly move between scaling modes.
- Arithmetic (charts with less price history)
- Logarithmic (charts with more price history)
- Locked Log (allows you to set the scale to a fixed value based on the SP-500 or custom values you choose)
Use the radial button to select Arith (Arithmetic).
An arithmetic scale (sometimes called "linear") shows equal spacing between the chart units. Price is measured in equal price intervals which are automatically set by the number of gridlines chosen. It is often seen as preferable for shorter chart histories. (In the example pictured, one gridline each .05)
Hover the mouse over the Arithmetic scale and use the scroll wheel to change the number of gridlines shown. Alternately, use the Gridline Spacing slider in the scale dialog.
Use the radial button to select Log (Logarithmic).
A logarithmic scale shows an equal percentage difference between the chart units. Price is measured in equal percentages which are automatically set by the number of gridlines chosen. While the percentages remain the same between gridlines, the gridlines are not evenly spaced. It is often seen as preferable for longer chart histories. The standard log chart will have rounded numbers.
Log %Grid display mode. (Place a checkmark in the tick box to choose %Grid). The percent difference between each grid line is shown in blue at the bottom of the scale. Increase/decrease the number of gridlines and the percentage adjusts itself. Zooming to more or less price history or changing the time frame of the chart will affect the % shown. The %Grid log chart will not have rounded numbers.
Hover the mouse over the Logarithmic scale and use the scroll wheel to change the number of gridlines shown. Alternately, use the Gridline Spacing slider in the scale dialog.
Use the radial button to select Locked Log (Logarithmic). Locking the log chart means that whatever value you choose to Lock your chart scale to, that value will be for every chart you view in this mode.
Relative to SP-500: This scale method allows you to see the volatility (movement) of your stock directly compared to the volatility of the SP-500. The x factor (slider) is used to determine the comparison. (For example: choose 100x for the S&P plot to fill 100% of the window; 1x means the SP-500 takes up 1% of the window.) Move the slider back and forth to expand/contract the window. If a stock is very volatile compared to the SP-500, some or much of its price history can actually go off the top/bottom of the chart (see below) at 100x. As you move from chart to chart, you get a much better picture of how the volatility of the stock you are viewing compares to the broader market (SP-500).
- Check or uncheck SP-500 to show/hide the plot of the SP-500.
The logarithmic scale in this mode shows an equal percentage difference between the chart units. Price is measured in equal percentages which are automatically set by the number of gridlines chosen. While the percentages remain the same between gridlines, the gridlines are not evenly spaced. The standard log chart will have rounded numbers. The x factor is shown in red at the bottom of the scale.
Log %Grid display mode. (Place a checkmark in the tick box to choose %Grid). Increase/decrease the number of gridlines and the percentage adjusts itself. Zooming to more or less price history or changing the time frame of the chart will affect the % shown. The %Grid log chart will not have rounded numbers. The percent difference between gridlines and the x factor are shown in red at the bottom of the scale.
Custom: This scale method allows you to set the percent difference desired between gridlines and how many gridlines you want to see. (In the example below, there is 5% between the lines and 12 lines showing.) The percent change shows in red at the bottom of the scale. (This will need to be done in each timeframe you use.)
Hover the mouse over the Custom Locked Log scale to tighten or loosen the chart. Hover the mouse over the Locked Log SP-500 scale to increase/decrease the number of gridlines.
In Locked Log mode, the keyboard combination shortcut Alt + Scrollwheel will tighten/loosen the chart axis.
When the scale type is seen in blue on the chart, while the number of gridlines can be changed, the scale remains the same.
When the scale type is seen in red on the chart, both the number of gridlines and the scale values can be changed by the user.
Select Show Ruler in any scale dialog box to open the Ruler scale. Click here for information on how to use the Ruler Scale.