How to Plot Bid/Ask Spread as an Indicator (Options)
You can now add the Bid/Ask* spread as an indicator for an option to see the history of the bid/ask movement in any time frame.
1. Click the Add Plot to Chart button.
To plot this indicator for an option, make sure you have an option selected from your option chain. Click here for more on viewing option chains and charts.

There are two other ways to open the Add Plot menu. 1) Use the forward slash "/" hot key to add indicators; 2) Right-click anywhere on the chart and choose Add Plot from the drop down menu.
2. Type Bid/Ask Spread

Use the search field to quickly look up items to plot.
3. Click on Bid/Ask Spread - Option Indicator

4. The Bid/Ask spread is plotted for the option in the bottom pane

Click here for more about moving/arranging plots on your chart.
*All Bid/Ask/Mid spread plots, indicators, columns, etc., require the additional Real-time US Stock data feed for stocks and Real-time US Options data feed for Options.