How to Create a New Layout Tab
A Layout Tab refers to a group of tool windows, which may be floating, tabbed with one another, or docked into a specific screen position. Layout Tabs may contain many items at a time - like several Charts, more than one WatchList, News and Notes, a User Group window, etc
1. Click on the New Layout Tab located at the bottom of your screen.

2. Select a Pre-built or Starter Layout. You can also duplicate one of your own.

3. Pre-Built Layouts allow you to choose from either one of several layouts that come with TC2000. To find out more about these layouts go to this article:
4. Starter Layouts give you a frame work to build a layout from scratch. Select the one you want to customize.

Keep in mind that these starter layouts just give you a place to start, they are completely customizable, you can add and remove windows to any of these starter layouts.
7. Click on Save Layout as...

8. Name your new Layout tab.

9. Click on the save button.