How to Use the Condition Editor
Whenever you see the Select Condition button (blue funnel icon), you can use it to create a Condition or a Condition Set. While these conditions can be used in many ways (WatchList True/False Columns, Filtering, Alerts, Data Grids), there really is just one convention for creating the condition/condition set. This article will help you understand the process of condition building no matter where you encounter the blue funnel icon.
1. Open the condition Editor
This may look a bit different in each application of the conditions, but you will always see the blue funnel icon. Click the Select Conditions button.

2. Click Add Condition to open the condition wizard.

Select the method for creating the condition.
Choose Condition(s) opens the menu to select from the condition library.)

In the Search field type the name of the condition(s) to be used for the Scan.

If you don't know the name of the criteria you can use the Categories to narrow the list and scroll to find the desired criteria desired.
Write Formula allows you to use the PCF tool to create a custom condition using a formula. (Click Here for more on PCF formulas.)
Flex Branch
Flex--create a condition in which multiple criteria are met during a specified period of time. (Click for more.)

3. Create a condition
Click the criteria to be used for the condition.

Note: In this example we will build a Condition set looking for stocks with Price between $10 and $100. However, any indicators, fundamentals, formula, etc., in the condition criteria library can be used for constructing a condition/condition set.
Click the Condition dropdown and select Is Between from the list.

Set the desired Minimum and Maximum values.

Note: when creating individual conditions, click the Save button to name and add them in the condition library for re-use.
4. Set the True Field
This field allows you to decide when you want the condition you are applying to be true for the stocks to which you are applying it.
- Now: the condition is true on the last bar on the chart
- x bars ago: the condition is true at some previous point in time (you determine by deciding the number of days x equals)
- within last x bars: the condition is true within some previous span of time (you determine by deciding the span of days x equals)
- x bars in a row: the condition is true on a certain number of recurring days (you determine by deciding the number of days x equals)

To Save the condition to the Condition library, click Save.

Click the Count icon to get an update of how many stocks are passing your conditions so far.

Click on the Count to Refresh or Hide the results count.

To build a Condition Set (multiple conditions) click the Add column button to repeat the steps above for each new condition.
5. Apply the Condition(s)
Click the Copy to... button to choose how to immediately apply the condition:
- Window in Current Layout (opens target mode with option to choose any window)
- New Filtered WatchList (Opens new window with default WatchList and sorts by condition set)
- New Market Gauge (summary of scan results over time)
- New Market Indicator (historical scan plot)
- New True/False Column in WatchList (sortable T/F column in current active WatchList)
- New Data Grid (creates new Data Grid with the condition set as an entry)
- Clipboard (copy conditions to computer clipboard for reuse)

TC2000 assumes that the condition set is being constructed with all conditions set to the same timeframe (e.g. daily or 1-min). To mix timeframes, click the Use mixed timeframes tick box. When using the mixed timeframes option, each condition will have its own timeframe which can be selected in the condition editor.

To copy the conditions to use in other functions, click the Copy button.

To clear all conditions in order to build a new condition set, click the X (delete all) icon.

Right click on any individual condition and select Delete to remove the condition from the set.

Click the Folder icon to select an existing condition(s) from the condition library.

6. Review Results
The resulting list (New Filtered WatchList) of symbols will meet all of the Conditions that were set as part of the Condition Set.

The time stamp shows when the Condition was last updated.

To refresh the Scan results click the icon which looks like two arrows going in a circle.

Streaming Conditions: TC2000 Platinum users can Stream up to 15 such Filters simultaneously. Choosing a refresh rate allows you to decide how often you want your condition results to be automatically re-filtered. Click the Refresh drop down menu.

Choose the time interval at which you want your condition to be refreshed. TC2000 automatically re-filter the WatchList to update results on that interval.

To apply all conditions to any time single frame, click the Edit button in the WatchList, then the timeframe picker next to the Filter name. Choose the desired bar interval (for filtering).

To sync the time frame to any other tool window (e.g. the Chart, column, etc.) use the TimeFrame Group in the menu.

The total number of stocks found with the Scan conditions is always at the bottom of the WatchList window.
7. Edit Condition Set
To re-enter/Edit the Condition Set conditions, click on the filter name next to the blue Funnel icon

Click the name of the Filter you want to edit.

This opens the Edit menu for that Filter.

Click on a Condition
Change criteria settings in the Editor. Click OK when completed.

8. Scan a different WatchList for the Condition/Condition Set
Click the WatchList dropdown menu to select a different WatchList. Click on the name of the desired WatchList to make it the active list being filtered by the condition(s).

9. Stop the Scan
Uncheck the Filter tick box to stop the conditions from filtering the WatchList

Note: the conditions in this article are only examples. Any indicators, fundamentals, PCFs, etc., within TC2000 can be used in an EasyScan.
The conditions and results of the Scan examples should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security. They are presented solely for educational purposes.