News Marker on Charts (copied)
You can now display news markers on charts, when selected you can display markers on your price chart that appear whenever the active symbol is mentioned in a news story and correlate to the time the symbol was mentioned. You can also select which news feeds generate these markers.
To enable news markers right click on the chart and select Edit Chart Properties

Click on the Chart Markers tab

Check the box next to News

Select which feeds you would like to generate markers for and click OK
For this example we will be selecting all feeds but you can mix and match any feeds you like. Like all chart properties this is a chart template specific setting so it is possible to have multiple charts displaying markers for various feeds.

News markers are now displayed on your chart
In the event that multiple articles are published for that symbol during the time represented by the bar the marker is on (in this case daily bars) a count of the stories will be displayed.
Selecting Read story will open the article (or video) in the reader window

Selecting Edit News/Notes settings will open the Chart markers tab in the Chart Properties window

Selecting Open Feed Window will open the news feed window for the active symbol
The left and right arrow keys on your keyboard will navigate through the list of stories in the feed, to find out more about the News feed window please refer to this article on navigating the news feeds.