What's New With Most Watched & Trending Columns

With the new Most Watched and Most Watched--Trending columns, you get to see real-time and 24/7 measurements of activity around any symbol.

Most Watched: a scoring system based on server workload and traffic volume for each symbol over any given period of time - the last hour, day, week, month, any lookback time.

Most Watched--Trending: a scoring system measuring which symbols are moving up fastest in the “most watched” list. Stocks with high “trending” scores typically have recent announcements or news stories, and are often small and less widely-seen companies.

These measurements are not to inform you on which stocks to buy or sell. They provide a scoring system that helps save time by pointing out companies, both large and small, that are beginning to make some noise. Because the scores do not depend on pricing data, they are a useful tool during the pre- and post-market as well as weekends. Below are some facts about these measurements that will help you understand them.