How To Set Time Frame on a Column
You can now set and change time frames on the fly for each column in a WatchList window. This gives flexibility and ease to have columns based on different time frames, to change the time frames on the fly and to create time frame groups in order to change multiple column time frames simultaneously. (Click Here to learn about Time Frame Color Groups.)
Time frames are now available for each T/F column in a WatchList. The current time frame shows as a letter or number in the column header.

Click any time frame button in a header to get the time frame picker.

Click the desired time frame to change the column to be based on the new time frame.

Change time frames as many times as you like. When you change the column time frame, the T/F condition is recalculated on the basis of the newly selected time frame and the results are reflected with new checkmarks.
Right click on the column header for which you wish to change time frame, select Edit from the menu.

In the Edit Column window, click the current time frame to see the time frame picker.

Click the desired time frame to change the column to be based on the new time frame.

Click OK to apply the new time frame to the Column.

Right click on the column header for which you wish to change time frame, select Edit All Columns from the menu.

The Edit Columns & Filters window has a selector for each column for which a time frame can be chosen.

Click the drop down for the column you wish to change time frame. Select the new time frame from the time frame picker.

The time frame changes in the Edit window. Click Close to apply new time frame to Column.

Change multiple time frames while in the Edit Columns & Filters window and then click Close to apply new time frames to multiple columns.