How To Drag/Drop Tabs to Reposition In A Tool Window
If you have multiple tabs in any tool window (e.g. charts, WatchLists, Notes/News, Trading results, etc.) you can simply click and drag to rearrange the tabs on the fly.
Click on the tab you want to move

Drag the tab to a new position
A yellow bar shows at the new target position.

Release the mouse button to place the tab in the new position

Tabs can be dragged multiple positions to the right or left.
Edit, Toggle On/Off, Remove Conditional Color
To edit, toggle on or off or removed the conditional color from the price bars, right-click the Symbol/TimeFrame label in the legend of the price chart and click Edit.

In the Chart Properties menu, 1) click to uncheck the tick box next to the conditional color (to turn off), click again to turn back on. 2) Click the x icon to delete the conditional color. Click OK to apply.