How to Create Filters With The New Condition Editor
You can create single filters or combine multiple filters with the newly updated Condition Editor. These are applied as True/False columns in a WatchList and are available to filter the WatchList results.
Creating a New Filter Condition
Click on the Add Column button and choose Add True/False Column from the menu.

Alternately, click the Edit button and choose the Add Column button in the Edit Columns & Filters Window

In the EasyScan condition library click New Condition to open the Add True/False Column condition editor.

You can now create a new condition from scratch. (Example here is: Price Crossing Up Through 50 Bar SMA).

Click Add Condition, and select Choose Condition(s) from the Menu. (If you wish to use PCF--personal criteria formula--to create your condition, select Write Formula).

Note: you can also choose a condition from the list to add and edit an existing condition.
Use type to search to narrow the list to the criteria desired. Select the criteria with which you want to create a filter.

Create the condition using the criteria available

The Add True/False Column editor now contains the condition desired. (Optional: name the condition and select Save to add to your condition library for reuse).

Click OK to apply the condition as a True/False column to the WatchList. (Note: if you select Filter in the condition editor, the column will filter the WatchList when added.)
Creating Multiple Filter Conditions
Click on the Add Column button and choose Add True/False Column from the menu.

Alternately, click the Edit button and choose the Add Column button in the Edit Columns & Filters Window

In the EasyScan condition library click New Condition to open the Add True/False Column condition editor.

You can now create a new condition from scratch. (Example here is: Price Crossing Up Through 50 Bar SMA on Above Average Volume).

Click Add Condition, and select Choose Condition(s) from the Menu. (If you wish to use PCF--personal criteria formula--to create your condition, select Write Formula).

Note: you can also choose a condition from the list to add and edit an existing condition.
Use type to search to narrow the list to the criteria desired. Select the criteria with which you want to create a filter.

Create the condition using the criteria available

The Add True/False Column editor now contains the condition desired. (Optional: name the condition and select Save to add to your condition library for reuse).

Add your next condition (in this case, Above average volume) by clicking the Add condition button just below the created condition and select Choose condition

Use type to search to narrow the list to the criteria desired. Select the criteria with which you want to create a filter.

Set or adjust condition criteria as needed.

The Add True/False Column editor now contains the new condition along with the first. (Optional: name the condition and select Save to add to your condition library for reuse). You can add as many conditions as you like to a filter.

Click OK to apply the condition as a True/False column to the WatchList. (Note: if you select Filter in the condition editor, the column will filter the WatchList when added.)
For information on using Flex Branch, Click Here.
Set Condition Display Properties
In any single or multiple condition editor, click the Display tab to change the way the True/False Column appears in the WatchList.

Use the Display window to edit the appearance of the Column (click OK to apply settings).
- Header (Name the Column)
- When True (Select what displays when condition is true: dot, checkmark or scan light)
- True color (Color for the dot, check or scan light)
- When False (Select what displays when condition is true: do nothing; show a dot or checkmark)
- Refresh rate (The interval at which the filter results will be refreshed)
- Sort (Ascending or descending)
- Column width (width of the Column in the WatchList window)

Understanding Filter States
- Off--turns off the filter of the T/F column condition
- Inactive--leaves the criteria in place, but stops actively filtering by it
- Active--actives T/F column as filter