How To Set The Time Frame On A Column
You can now set the time frame of each individual column. You can then change the time frame on the fly. You can also assign the column(s) to time frame color groups (along with other tool windows in the layout) and change the time frame of multiple items with one click. Time frames can be set directly in the WatchList window or in the Edit Columns & Filters window.
1. Click the time frame button in the legend of the column.
2. This opens a time frame picker with both Intraday and Daily+ time frames to select from.

3. Click on the desired time frame to change the column data to be based on the new time frame.

The column data now reflects the newly selected time frame.

1. Click the Edit button in the WatchList Window.

2. Click the time frame drop down button next to any column name where you can change/set time frame.

3. Select the new time frame.

This can be done for multiple columns before clicking Close and returning to WatchList window.

Click the time frame button on the column header and select a time frame color group (this can be done whether working with time frames from the WatchList window or the Edit Columns & Filters window).

The time frame button in the column header now reflects the color group.

A color group time frame picker also appears at the top of the chart. This is the control by which you can change the time frame of the column AND every other item in the layout set to that color group. Selecting a new time color group time frame will simultaneously change all items in that group to the new time frame.

You can use multiple color groups for columns/items in the WatchList. The respective color group time frame pickers will be at the top of the chart.

All of these functions can be done from a right click/Edit menu on any column header, then using the condition editing window.