Mathematical Operators and Functions Table

Mathematical operators and functions transform or combine numeric values and indicators to return a numeric result.

Many of these operators are the same as what you learned about in school.  You can multiply, divide, add, and subtract.

Some of the other operators might be less familiar. C MOD 1 would divide price by 1 and return the remainder. So it would return just the portion after the decimal. C \ 1 uses integer division and would divide price by 1 and round to the nearest integer. The ABS() function leaves positive values and zero unchanged, but converts negative values to a positive value of the same magnitude.

We have also created the GREATEST() and LEAST() functions to allow you to find the highest or lowest numeric value out of a list of indicators and numbers of any size.

Trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions are also a type of mathematical function, but have separate articles.

Multiply (Mathematical Operator)
v * w
v=Numeric, w=Numeric
Divide or Ratio (Mathematical Operator)
v / w
Add (Mathematical Operator)
v + w
Add (Mathematical Operator)
v ++ w
Add (Mathematical Operator)
v -- w
Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)
v - w
Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)
v +- w
Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)
v -+ w
Integer Divide (Mathematical Operator)
v \ w
Power (Mathematical Operator)
v ^ w
Modulo (Mathematical Operator)
v MOD w
Absolute Value
Log Base 10 CLG(w)
Natural Exponent EXP(w)
Natural Log LOG(w)
Sign (-1, 0 or 1) - Returns -1 if w is negative, 0 if w is zero and 1 if w is positive.
Square Root SQR(w)
Allows an unlimited number of arguments separated by commas and returns the argument with the highest value.
v=Numeric, w=Numeric...
Allows an unlimited number of arguments separated by commas and returns the argument with the lowest value.
LEAST(v, w)
Parentheses will force an operation to perform earlier in the order.