Williams Acceleration/Deceleration
Williams Acceleration/Deceleration is frequently plotted along with the Williams Alligator and Williams Awesome Oscillator.
The Williams Acceleration/Deceleration indicator is a simple MACD Histogram 5, 34, 5 of the mid point of the price bar.
It is traditionally plotted with up bars in green and down bars in red.
Main Indicator |
(AVG(H + L, 5) - AVG(H + L, 34) - AVG(AVG(H + L, 5) - AVG(H + L, 34), 5)) / 2 |
Only Plot Moving Down |
IIF(AVG(H + L, 5) - AVG(H + L, 34) - AVG(AVG(H + L, 5) - AVG(H + L, 34), 5) < AVG(H1 + L1, 5) - AVG(H1 + L1, 34) - AVG(AVG(H1 + L1, 5) - AVG(H1 + L1, 34), 5), (AVG(H + L, 5) - AVG(H + L, 34) - AVG(AVG(H + L, 5) - AVG(H + L, 34), 5)) / 2, 1 / 0) |
The Divide by 0 error in the Only Plots Moving Down formula is intentional. It makes it so the red bars do not plot when the AO is not moving down.