How To Set Order Ticket Defaults
Order ticket defaults serve as a starting point for the settings of the Buy/Sell/Close/Options buttons. The settings of the Order Ticket Default are what will be placed in the order ticket fields when the Buy/Sell/Close/Option buttons are chosen. Defaults can be set for any or all of the Buy/Sell/Sell-to-close/Buy-to-cover/Bracket order types. Separate defaults can be set for Equities and Options. Here are the steps to creating order ticket defaults.
1. Open The Default Ticket Editor
Click the Trading Menu button and choose Settings

In the Settings window, select Edit Ticket Defaults

2. Set Default Parameters for Each Order Ticket Type
The tabs across the top of the edit window allow for default settings to be applied to each different type of order ticket. Set the parameters desired and then click the next tab to set for the selected order type. Once finished, click Close.
- Buy ticket--choose settings to populate buy ticket
- Sell ticket--choose settings to populate sell ticket
- Buy to Cover ticket--choose settings to populate ticket to close short position
- Sell to Close ticket--choose settings to populate ticket to close long position
- Bracket ticket--choose settings to populate ticket for protective stop/profit target

Note: Separate quantity options are available for Equities and Option Contracts. Set any or all of the different parameters available.
3. Change Default Settings on the Fly
Change the default settings on the fly for any order type on a standard order ticket by clicking the Defaults... button

The tabs across the top of the edit window allow for default settings to be applied to each different type of order ticket. Set the parameters desired and then click the next tab to set for the selected order type. Once finished, click Close.

The trading tools work on either a LIVE brokerage account or a PAPER (simulated) trading account. Live market trading requires an account with TC2000 Brokerage (