How To Cancel A Pending Options Order
There are five main ways to close an existing option order
- From the chart
- From the Trading Menu
- From the Option Chain
These methods work for both single- and multi-legged options.
Click the Cancel button (X) on the order line

This opens the Cancel Orders window. The tick box by the order is pre-filled with a check mark. Click Cancel 1 Order to cancel the pending order.

Multi-legged option orders are treated as one order for the purpose of canceling. You can cancel single options from either the underlying or option chart.
To cancel an order for a stock using the Menu, click the Trading button

From the drop down menu choose Cancel Orders...

This opens the Cancel Orders window. The tick box by all pending orders is pre-filled with a check mark.

Change the radial button from "All Symbols" to "For Symbol {Sym}"

Now the tick box by the order for the specific symbol has a check mark. Click Cancel 1 Order to cancel the pending order.

3. Cancel from the Option Chain window
Find the correct symbol in the option chain (for the strike price and expiration date of the contract to be canceled).

Right-click on the symbol row to get the drop down menu.

Select Cancel Orders from the menu

This opens the Cancel Orders window. The tick box by all pending orders is pre-filled with a check mark.

Change the radial button from "All Symbols" to "For Symbol {Sym}"

Now the tick box by the order for the specific symbol has a check mark. Click Cancel 1 Order to cancel the pending order.

Anytime more than on symbol has a check mark in the Cancel Orders window, simply change the radial button to For Symbol to narrow the cancel to the current active symbol.
The trading tools work on either a LIVE brokerage account or a PAPER (simulated) trading account. Live market trading requires an account with TC2000 Brokerage (