How to Set Hot Keys for Custom Order Tickets
Setting up frequently used or favorite order tickets together in one window can give easy access to multiple approaches to buying, selling or closing orders. Adding hotkeys opens the door to one-click orders. Below are the steps for adding hotkeys to custom order tickets.
1. Click Trading in the Main Menu
2. Select My Order Tickets from the drop down
Choose the custom order ticket bar you want to work with.
For more on creating custom order tickets Click Here
3. Click More on any order ticket
In your custom order ticket bar, click the More button on any (all) order ticket(s) you want to hot key.
Steps for creating these custom order tickets can be found by Clicking Here
4. Click the Hot Key drop down menu button
5. Select desired Hot Key combination for that ticket
Hot key combinations can be the Alt key plus any Function key or any letter of the alphabet.
6. Click OK to set the Hot Key for that order ticket
Repeat the process for each of the order tickets using a separate key combination for each.