How To Show or Hide The Trading Tools
Trade tools, such as orders or trades, appear on the chart and in TC2000 by default. To turn these and other trading tools on and off follow these steps.
1. Click the Trade button on the chart
Open the display settings window using the small trade button at the lower left of the price pane

This opens a group of tools for setting how trading tools are displayed

2. Turn off all trade tool displays
Uncheck the tick box next to Show trading to hide all trade tools (e.g. account summary bar) and chart trade notations from TC2000.

Alternately, click the Trading Menu button and check or un-check Show Trading

3. Edit some of the trade tool displays
Uncheck "Show P/L Zones" to removed the red and green P&L Zones from the right side of the charts.

Note: darken or lighten the Red/Green P&L Zones with the opacity slider
Uncheck "Show option legs on chart" to remove the option leg(s) from the underlying equity symbol
Uncheck "Show today's trades on chart" to remove the entire trade notation on the current bar

Uncheck "Show shares for last trade" to remove ust the share number from the trade notation on the current bar

4. Use the Trade Settings Editor
Another way to toggle the trade tools on and off is by clicking the Trading Menu button and choose Settings

In the Settings menu, check or uncheck any of the trade display options

Note: change the size of the on-chart orders/trades displays with the Font Size slider in this Settings window.
The trading tools work on either a LIVE brokerage account or a PAPER (simulated) trading account. Live market trading requires an account with TC2000 Brokerage (