Navigating the News and Notes Menu (copied)
TC2000 offers fully integrated news articles and videos, these are optional feeds that require additional subscriptions.
Click on News & Notes in the menu bar to access news related items.

The following items are available

1. All News and Notes - Opens a news feed containing all news stories, videos and personal notes for the active symbol* listed in chronological order
2. My Notes - Opens a feed containing your personal notes for the active symbol*, listed in chronological order
3. Top News Stories - Opens a feed of the most significant news events driving the markets and economy each business day
4. Video News - Opens a feed of videos for all symbols* listed in chronological order
5. News by Category - Opens a feed of category specific news articles for the active symbol*, listed in chronological order
6. Open Browser for (active Symbol) - Allows you to open a web browser window containing either google or yahoo finance news for the active symbol, also allows you to access additional third party finance sites
7. News Markers on Chart - Opens an undocked chart of the active symbol with News Markers toggled on.
8. Write a Note - Allows you to write a note for the active symbol
*Default setting, can be changed to display for all symbols or just the active symbol